Tribalee organizes mini-events for you and also produces all your internal communication materials.
As soon as you join the adventure, Tribalee produces customized content, including video illustrations that highlight your workplace, your employees and your managers.
All the ingredients are there to ensure teasing, raise the pressure and get as many people on board as possible.
Once the creation of content is completed, Tribalee proposes a well-formatted com' plan and takes care of creating all the necessary support: emails, banners, flyers, kakemonos, posters, goodies...
All levers are activated to ensure maximum visibility with minimum effort.
After having ensured a thunderous deployment, Tribalee also allows you to make your mark during the company's high points: moving, sporting events, Christmas, Quality of Life at Work week...
Your mini-events are thus contextualized, and new personalized communication supports are sent to you.
Tribalee produces all your internal communication supports to ensure high participation rates: illustrations, videos, emailings, posters, kakemonos...
Receive communication materials in your image
Expect never to wait, your brackets are already there...
Communicate at the most important moments of the company
Discover the feedback from HRD,
Communication managers, Office managers...