Director Social Policies and Social Dialogue @ Humanis
Humanis, a benchmark player in the world of social protection, today occupies a leading position in the fields of supplementary pensions, provident funds, health and savings.
As a joint and mutual insurance company, constituted as a federal multi-affinity architecture, the Humanis group is deeply rooted in the values of the social economy and is committed to providing ever better protection for its clients, both individuals and companies of all sizes.
Humanis is committed to providing them with quality solutions and services over the long term, with a focus on proximity, advice and listening.
The Quality of Life at Work at Humanis is deliberately understood in a very broad way and covers areas as diverse as living well together, the physical work environment, work-life balance and support for employees in their social issues.
This policy is as much part of daily life as it is long-term. In this context, the Quality of Life at Work week has been a highlight for the company for the past four years and an opportunity to communicate on new measures and even to test new initiatives.
Since the creation of the Humanis Group and the first participation in the Quality of Life at Work week, we were very keen to set up meetings between colleagues from the same site but not working in the same profession, or even from different companies prior to the merger.
However, we had not found the logistical means to do this in a structured way, so we had to put this project on hold.
The solutions proposed by Tribalee are totally in line with the spirit of the user-friendly actions we implement as part of our Quality of Life at Work policy. In particular, they contribute to our desire to develop good living together at work and to give maximum priority to the creation and maintenance of links and conviviality between our employees.
Building on the success of the pilot that we carried out in October 2017 at six of our largest sites in Paris and the provinces, we plan to repeat the operation regularly in future editions of the Quality of Life at Work week, but also as part of more one-off operations (integration of new arrivals on a site, lunch exchanges with our managers, etc.).
This type of event contributes in an extremely powerful and playful way to true internal cohesion and to our objective of developing transversal relations within the company.
To be successful, this approach must first of all have the support of leaders. For this type of operation to be perceived as sincere and gain support, it must also be part of a coherent, comprehensive and sustainable Quality of Life at Work policy. Some companies may be tempted to use the product to "make a move" in terms of social marketing, at the risk of giving their employees the feeling that the quality of life at work is reduced to one day in the year .
From an operational point of view, employees' access to digital must be ensured and the solution must be simple and usable with a minimum of clicks.
This is the action for which we have had the most positive and enthusiastic spontaneous feedback from employees who have participated and dared to try the adventure.
This type of concept works and grows mainly by word-of-mouth, and it helps to overcome the apprehensions that some employees may have at first approach.
"I would like to thank you for this wonderful initiative of the mystery lunches which made it possible to facilitate the meeting of collaborators from different backgrounds. I invite you to repeat the operation so that everyone can "enlarge" their professional network."
"Just a quick word to say that this mystery lunch was a very good idea, that our meeting today went very well, we exchanged, shared. And we parted ways reluctantly because it was too short... To be continued, and I think word of mouth will do its work."
"Just a quick message to let you know I'm back from the mystery lunch I attended. It was for me a great experience where I was able to share a convivial moment with known colleagues but also to meet people I didn't know. Without this initiative, it would have been impossible. As far as I'm concerned, and if the initiative is repeated, I'll be happy to repeat the experience!"
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Communication managers, Office managers...
Different formats for different objectives: recruitment, onboarding, innovation or bringing some excitement to the day-to-day
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